This dish is typical from Valencia,(Spain), this city is one of the most famous cities of Spain.


  Resultado de imagen de paella de marisco
  • Oil- 144cl.
  • Garlics- 2 or 3 ( whatever you want)
  • Rice- 400 grams.
  • Saffron ( if you don´t have  add food coloring)
  • Squid- 600 grams.
  • Fish soup.
  • Norway lobster- 4 pieces.
  • Mussels- 8 pieces.
  • Prawns- 8 pieces.   
  •  Spanish´s pimentón- 1 tablespoon.
  • Clams- 80 grams.

     Put oil in a frying pan, heat u p and add the squid. Be carefull, if you overheat the oil the squid will explote.
     Mix all the ingredients that we have in the paella( excluding the rice),  fry lightly with a low intensity, stirring non-stop during 10 min.  At this time, add 3/4 of chopped garlic. We keep frying lightly and we add the spanish´s pimentón, after that we put in the rice, we fry lightly about 1 minute and finally we add the saffron or the food coloring. 
     Now we pour the fish soup and we increase the intensity to the maximum, later we season it. We cook it during 7-8 minutes with a low intensity. 
When the rice absorbs the fish soup we put the pieces of shellfish over the paella.                      ENJOY YOUR SPANISH´S PAELLA!




